February 18

How to Backup Your WordPress Website…for FREE

In today's training, let's see how you can back up your WordPress site for free and do it quickly.

If you don't want to read you can always watch the video below.

Learn How To Backup Your WordPress Website

Let's Begin…

The first thing you need to do is log in to your WordPress administration area. Be sure you're logging in as a user who has administrative privileges. Once you're logged in from the left menu, we're going to click on the plugin option. This will give you a list of all the plugins installed on your website. You may have just a couple. You may have a lot. Every WordPress site is different.

We're going to add a new plugin, so at the top click the add new button. This will show you all the available plugins on the WordPress repository. We're going to do a search. In the top right hand corner is a search box. Type in backup and hit enter. You will get a lot of results. The only one we are interested in is the UpDraftPlus WordPress Backup plugin. It should be the first result.

We want to install this plugin, so we're going to hit the install now button. This will download it to your WordPress site, and once it is downloaded, you will be shown a blue activate button. Go ahead and click the activate button and this will turn on that plugin on your wordpress site. Once that is completed, you'll be taken back to your plugins page and you will now see you have the UpDraftPlus Backup/Restore plugin listed. From here, we're going to click on the settings button just under the UpDraftPlus plugin title.

You may also get to the settings page by the left menu under settings and UpDraftPlus Backups. Now, to do a single backup, all you have to do is click the backup now blue button, you will be shown a pop up, which gives you a couple options.

Your options

The first option says to include the database in the backup. You almost always want this checked. The database includes all your content, your posts, your pages, your comments, your categories, or tags, all that kind of stuff. The next option is to include any files in the backup. Again, this is another one you'll probably check. This one include your plugin files, your theme files, your Media Library, such as images you use in your blog posts, all that kind of stuff. So next all you have to do is click the backup now button.

Backup Now!

The amount of time it takes depends on the size of your site. It may go through pretty quickly and it may take a little while to do a backup. To view backups that have been completed, all we have to do is click on this existing backup tab and you will now see the backup that you just completed.

Under backup data, you will have five different options. The database, plugins, themes, uploads, which is your media library, and others. These are all the backup files and database that the plugin backed up. To download these, you just click on the one you want to download. For instance, the database, and once it is ready for download, all you have to do is click the download to your computer button and it will download the backup to your computer, and once that is successfully downloaded, you can delete it from your web hosts to save space.

Something else you can do with UpDraft is you can set it up to automatically trigger backups, so you don't have to do it manually. Just click on the settings tab. You can set up schedules like a schedule for the files backup. So where it says files backup schedule, it currently says manual. You can click on that drop down box and choose how often you want the files to be backed up. Again, this is your plugin files. Your theme files, graphics that are in your media library or anything you've uploaded to WordPress.

A lot of people just choose weekly, but you need to assess the needs of your website and your blog. So for this example I will choose weekly and then you need to also choose how often you'd want to backup the database. Again, this is all your content, your recent posts, your pages, your comments.

So next to database backup schedule. Again, it says manual right now, let's change that to daily. Again, based on the needs of your personal website and your needs, you can change this to whatever option is right for you.

Now the next option is where you want this backup to go. You have an option to save it to a third party site such as Dropbox or Google Drive. You can have it go to Amazon S3 and of course you can also have it emailed to you. So in this example let's choose email. When you email it to you it will automatically go to the admin account on your website, so whoever's the administrator, it will go to that email account.

You now have a scheduled back up, and that's how quickly and easily you can backup your wordpress site for free.

Grab this PDF to go through the steps easily.

About the author 

Samantha Pointer, CASP™

As an Automation Bridge Certified Automation Service Provider™, Samantha Pointer holds the expertise to implement automated marketing and sales systems in your business with the highest level of excellence. Ms. Pointer has been personally trained by the founder Chris L. Davis on his proprietary framework to quickly scale businesses with automated systems.

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