If you are anything like me and consider yourself a lifelong learner, you may have tons and tons of pdf's, ebooks, videos, audios, images, and various other things that pertain to some type of training course you took. Whether you took the course online or offline, you may have digital files that you will need to refer back to periodically. Well in this #TechChat I show you how I have organized my “training files” and how easy it is.
“Training Files” are those files that you have when you pay for a webinar or take a course or go hear a speaker and they send you digital files (audios, pdf's, outlines, powerpoints, videos, etc.) of what you learned for you to refer back to later.
By organizing these files you are more likely to come back to them and be able to get at the information you need when you need it. Don't just save files in your download folder until it becomes a unmanageable mess. Take the time to set up the file structure on your computer and cloud storage and utilize the information that you paid for.