July 18

How To Make A Decision On Automation Tools For Your Business

When making a decision regarding the automation tools you’ll be using for your coaching and consulting business, much thought must go into it. There are dozens of factors to consider based on what the tool is, what you need it to do, and what features it has to offer.

Let’s take a look at a few of the things you’ll want to research before you make a choice.

Functionality and Features

What the software actually accomplishes for your coaching and consulting business is the most important thing to consider. Being cost-conscious means that you don’t want to pay for features that you don’t need. You may not need all the bells and whistles that most platforms offer. At the very least, make sure the automation tool does what you need it to do for your business at the stage you are in. Don’t get side-tracked with functionalities you don’t need and end up spending more than you’ve budgeted for.

Ease of Use

Consider who will be using the automation tool and whether or not they are tech savvy. If you will be the main user keep that in mind. Will you have time to learn the functions? If not will you hire a virtual assistant or VA. Will they be able to be trained quickly? The user interface of the automation tool you choose will need to match the users’ abilities, so a tech-challenging tool will be more difficult to utilize for the non tech savvy without proper training. While a learning curve is to be expected with any new automation tool or  program, a too-difficult-to-absorb choice will cause problems in the end.

Company Longevity

This is a big one. We all have seen where companies are here today and gone tomorrow. (Katch, Blab come to mind) So that's why you need to consider has the company you’re looking at been around for years, or are they brand new? Choosing automation tools built and supported by a company with years of experience will ensure you receive the attention you need when it comes to support and training. Now there are exceptions to every rule, but in general look for longevity.

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At the very least, your new automation tool of choice should come with integrated training materials such as video tutorials and/or a PDF guide. Depending on the size of your company and the complexity of the tool, you may be offered on-site training for a price. This can be a wonderful investment insuring that all users completely understand how to utilize the automation tool.


Support is something you hope you won’t need, but probably will. Because we all know technology is a fickle mistress. So with that being said, find out where the parent company is located and what time zone they’re in. Does that match the typical timeframe that you or your team member will be utilizing the tool and may need assistance? How do you contact the company for support – online chat, email, or telephone? And is support included in the price that you paid, or is it an upcharge? Personally I love automation tools that offer online support. That way I can get help quickly and without wasting time waiting on the phone. But always make sure there is a phone number or address just in case.

Making automation tools choices can seem like a daunting task, but with these guidelines, you’re sure to make a choice that is right for your coaching and consulting business, and your budget.

Need help with choosing the right tool for your business? Let me help!

Start with the Quick Start Tech Session. The PowerUp Your Biz Tech Evaluation is included when you purchase this package. Click the image below to get started!

Quick Start Tech Session

About the author 

Samantha Pointer, CASP™

As an Automation Bridge Certified Automation Service Provider™, Samantha Pointer holds the expertise to implement automated marketing and sales systems in your business with the highest level of excellence. Ms. Pointer has been personally trained by the founder Chris L. Davis on his proprietary framework to quickly scale businesses with automated systems.

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